Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rudolfplatz is now American Idol Square

Cologne - yet you have with them twice hingucken, but that can change very quickly.
At present the candidate to stay at the new "Germany seeks the superstar" relay in the Barceló hotel directly at Rudolf place.
But despite the location in the heart of the city Daniel Glover, Vanessa Civello, Dominik Büchele, Tobias Rossler and the other participants can still almost completely unhindered and unharmed after their samples to the hotel.
There she would take along one day do the odd nightcap at the bar - not previously disturbed by screaming Fanmassen - grad a handful out there waiting.
But perhaps it is because of the optics: They are still not properly fall into the clutches of the costume and the mask department. This looks pretty natural, and everything is still unspent from. For the styling professionals have done it At the time, yes even the rockers Max Buskohl Thomas Godoj (which is on Saturday night at the Palladium) and Tobias Regner plays at least a good portion of gel in your hair pseudo-pop-star-glamorous miss.
The butterflies in the stomach, of course, all before their first live show - which also can be equal to its last, for tonight is about the entry into the finals in order to participate in the theme shows.
But for Michelle Bowers, it is doubly hard: The 16-year-old - Dieter Bohlen for the "best singer in Bavaria" - has suffered since infancy from severe rheumatism. But she does not want pity Bonus: "I think it's stupid because I'm here to sing and not because of my medical history."
All top-15 candidates - click HERE> Sex confessions of DSDS-Stars - click HERE>

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blomer rides new attack against Reinarz

Cologne - The CDU-Chef Walter Reinarz caused significant that his predecessor, Richard Blömer because of a donation scandal was not to run again for parliament.
Now had Reinarz because of the pension discussion to resign. And "party friend" with the powerful Blömer township Lindenthal in the neck would ensure that even the Reinarz Gutdotierte Manager post at the KVB is going on.
End of the year KVB chief Werner Böllinger (60) ruled out on grounds of age. Similarly, the manager of Reinarz contract runs out. SPD and Greens did Reinarz withdrawal from politics on condition that he ausVorstandsvertrag in KVB extended. All in butter.
But Richard Blömer has other ideas. The KVB Board informed the Chief Wilfried Kuckelkorn Lindenthaler CDU leader Blömer on Tuesday: "The upcoming replacement for the company KVB offers the great opportunity of a fresh start." And that should be such that a recruiter for suitable candidates for the two managerial positions KVB tries.
How should "urgently needed experts" are obtained for the KVB. Blomer, and suggests that "the decision, regardless of party interests or meet local findings.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After flat-out test: "Rani" can ran

Dusseldorf - "I have made with him a flat-out final test with sprints, goal shooting exercises and all that goes with it," said Fortune's physiotherapist Bernd Restle Donn on the afternoon training in injury to top striker Moritz Volz.
"Everything is healed. He has digested it well. "Can you say: When was the unity of the problems (torn muscle in his thigh shell) purely to see anything more. Jovanovic was able to fully pass through the program.
"I feel good and am very happy that it has not worked. I could definitely play, "beamed the attacker Schlake after training. "Of course I would necessarily accrue." According to various difficulties in making "niggles", but the strength. Jovanovic: "It's not enough for 90 minutes, but a good hour it would have to go."
Coach Norbert Meier must now decide whether the 28-year-olds against Aue actually promoted to the starting lineup.
The coach: "Well, that Jovanovic is back. But now we must erstmal to wait, as he physically wegsteckt training. Ranisav four weeks now has been able to train properly. I decide on an operation in the short term. "
Fellow striker Axel Lawarée rise again Tuesday. Restle, "Axel has passed the final test. It has taken this serious violation Syndesmoseband not three months. We can be very proud. "

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Students love that sexy Magda ...

Dusseldorf - The acute shortage professor at the Art Academy (EXPRESS reported): instead of nine times professors, there's soon only four. But now the university has a "professor", there really makes a stir. Although it has no title of professor. But a name: "The horny Magda.
The Lüpertz is a genius. The stages are really Adolf moderately ... "or" At the academy, there is too much sex. It paralyzes the artists ... "
With provocative slogans such as these, the student is currently swirling mix up the Academy. Their favorite target: the "superman" and the (self-proclaimed) "genius" Markus Lüpertz, his character Academy's CEO. He dedicated it's ironic campaign "50 days of Hitler-speed" in his conference room of the Academy are called "Room 102 of the leader." Lupertz can give them, "student jokes" also tolerated, that it has appointed himself to the professor.
Since May, the 24-year-old even has its own class (20 students). And for having the "horny Magda" strict rules drawn up: neat clothes and no sex! Magda: "As an artist you have to be constantly horny. This is only without the sex! "
However, it's a bit may be something. Always before starting class, the students form a circle, raising his arms imperiously up, then take pärchen as to the buttocks and chest. To all "Kako drink. A mixture of coffee, cola, a slice of lemon and sugar. Magda: "Because of the foam. He looks like a brain. Brains have only intellectuals. And finally, we are an intellectual, geile class. "
Completely mistaken? Does the student union of the famous university quite different. Christoph Meier Wester, 2nd Chairman: "All agree. We stand fully behind Magda! "" Congress movement "called Magda this art project with her class.