Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Blomer rides new attack against Reinarz
Cologne - The CDU-Chef Walter Reinarz caused significant that his predecessor, Richard Blömer because of a donation scandal was not to run again for parliament.
Now had Reinarz because of the pension discussion to resign. And "party friend" with the powerful Blömer township Lindenthal in the neck would ensure that even the Reinarz Gutdotierte Manager post at the KVB is going on.
End of the year KVB chief Werner Böllinger (60) ruled out on grounds of age. Similarly, the manager of Reinarz contract runs out. SPD and Greens did Reinarz withdrawal from politics on condition that he ausVorstandsvertrag in KVB extended. All in butter.
But Richard Blömer has other ideas. The KVB Board informed the Chief Wilfried Kuckelkorn Lindenthaler CDU leader Blömer on Tuesday: "The upcoming replacement for the company KVB offers the great opportunity of a fresh start." And that should be such that a recruiter for suitable candidates for the two managerial positions KVB tries.
How should "urgently needed experts" are obtained for the KVB. Blomer, and suggests that "the decision, regardless of party interests or meet local findings.