Monday, April 5, 2010

Freiburg is on the ascent race

Freiburg - Thanks to a double header from Martin Petrov darfder SC Freiburg continue to hope for the Bundesliga promotion, Träumeder SpVgg Greuther Fürth are exploded against it.
 The Breisgauergewannen the duel of the 2nd runner-up Bundesliga on Montagabendgegen the Franks 3-2 (1-1). Only 12,400 spectators brachteden guests their first Sunday game this season, no luck: HeikoButscher (17. minute) and the future Hamburger Pitroipa (72./90.) Met for the sports club, the future Stuttgart Martin Lanig (3.) and Alexander Kotuljac (62.) for Furth. After the eleventh imBadenova success of the sports club stadium is now three points behind back denAufstiegsplätzen.
   "We deserved to win because the will power. Ichglaube, in the course of the game we have won more crucial Zweikämpfeim midfield. In the end we were cool," said SC coach Robin Dutt. Goalscorer Butscher said: "We still shoot, I had not thought of. It's an indescribable feeling."
Guest coach Bruno Labbadia was deeply disappointed about it. "We warenüber 90 minutes the better team. The gates are made of Nichtsgefallen, they have not been herausgespielt. This is very, sehrschade", was the Fürth coach.
   Six times in the past seven years were the Fürther amSaisonende Tabellenfünfter - only in the season 200/2004 ninth. VierSpieltage before closing Labbadias team has now been five points behind the third FSV Mainz 05 and threatened her again einähnliches fate.
   Both teams moved on from the start to a temporeichesOffensivspiel showed while in the heat of battle many bad passes. By Fürth lightning start from distance with Lanig zum1: 0 could impress the Freiburger only briefly. Butscherüberwand second attempt goalkeeper Sascha Kirschstein - his viertesKopfballtor this season. Pitroipa (27./29. Dutt) and, above all Andreas Glockner with a shot to the woodwork (44.) missed dieFührung for the team coach.
   After the break, fought his way to Fuerth undwurden initially more rewarded by the game shares the opening goal by Kotuljac after einempräzisen pass by Ivo Ilicevic. Blatant defensive errors derFürther Pitroipa be used only for re-balancing and dannzum late 3-2. Freiburg and Karim were lucky Matmour seinGegenspieler Jan Mauersberger that after a bösenZusammenprall uninjured.