Thursday, June 17, 2010

Swiss do not want to pray more for glacier shrinkage

Bern - Climate change is also against the Catholic Church does not hold. Now, Pope Benedict XVI has. deals with the variation of a 331 years old vow.
Because of the dramatic climatic changes to the faithful no longer the Swiss communities in the Upper Valais longer pray for the glacier retreat.
The Catholics in Fiesch Fieschertal and praying since the end of the 17th Century against the growth of the Aletsch Glacier. The saw in the past repeatedly for flooding. Since 1862 there is a procession every year.
Given global warming and the increasing disappearance of glaciers is now the reality of the vows to be adjusted. This means that prayers against global warming and shrinking glaciers. Vicar Pascal Venetz said the Swiss news agency sda, times had changed, "it has melted much ice."
The minister now wants the bishop to a request to Pope Benedict XVI. , Forward, to change the 331 years old vows. An audience with the Pope is already scheduled. The decision of the Holy Father is due in October.