Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sharks: baptism of fire in the Rhineland-Derby

Cologne - ice free for the mother of all derbies Ice: Sunday (14.30 clock) in Dusseldorf and Tuesday (19.30 clock) take in Cologne, the Rhine archrival sharks and DEG Metro Stars in just 50 hours equal to each other twice.
Real Derby fever but frankly I feel not, "admits Sharks coach Doug Mason:" And the team I have even noticed anything like this. "The reason is clear: The Derby's coming on the second and third of 52 group stage matches far too early!
Also for the fans: The BHF hopes Sunday to 10,000 fans in Cologne Tuesday, it will probably not exceed 13,000.
"Were sold out in November or December, the games," Mason also knows: "The start of the season in early September is too early anyway. This is the last month, where people still often can do little when the weather outside. "
Let's get drum, the derbies, and Mason, they want to win, of course: "We are ready, the team is in good shape." Particularly in the spotlight today: Frank Doyle. Cologne's "temporary workers", which was committed after tumor surgery of choice goalkeeper Robert Muller for three months by AHL club Lowell Devils, will make his debut in the Sharks gate.
 "He makes a good impression in training, in his style reminds me of Travis Scott," says Mason, "But of course, games are something else, Frank now takes practice, he, unlike Stefan Horneber no preparation. Horni will play Tuesday at home again. "
Baptism of fire in the Derby - Sunday, one day before his 28th Birthday, Doyle now wants to show what he can. That he was going back in three months must be for the Canadians no problem, assures Mason: "He is a nice and intelligent guy. We were very honest with him, and he fully understands the situation. He is grateful for the opportunity, he knows that he is here draw attention to themselves. "