Sunday, May 30, 2010

The escapees from the Rhine-King

Mönchengladbach - Spectacular hunting scenes in Mönchengladbach: police - some even on horseback pursued - the elusive "Hansi". And that is not a felon, but a llama!
The höckerlose South American camel is a circus animal. "Hansi" belongs to the traveling circus Monti, who often makes headlines. Because the animals ausbüxen again and again.
Review: The first outbreak on 24 August 2007 Grefrath (Viersen),. Middle of the night, two other camels in a front yard on the street "Pastoratshof. It's the cops "Pascha" (then 3) and its partner "Mamelu (9).
Seven months later, on 30 March 2008, the same scene in Krefeld-garden. "Pasha" and "Mamelu trot" on the streets. "We continue to adapt better," circus director Cornelia promises Bausch.
Use is nothing! On 18 July 2008 makes the "Pasha" back on track. On 26 November drew the "Monti" after Langenfeld - were not there to rest: it was New Year's Eve in trouble with the police for disturbance of the children of the clan. And finally burned on 22 February 2009 a circus wagon.
And now the spectacular escape of Lama "Hansi". Holding the police very busy until they can overwhelm him with physical effort.
HERE's the video of "Hansi"