Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why do not we save?

Berlin - It is narrow for Arcandor. The rent for the purchase of houses can not be paid.
On Sunday, thousands will discourage employees from the Karstadt department stores vigils. They ask: Why not save us?
The situation is dramatic: Since the beginning of the month Arcandor pay no more rent for the 89 Karstadt department stores, according to reports.
MietschuldenDie million plots were still at High Street ex-chief Middelhoff to the real estate company and sold to a fund to which is probably also involved Middelhoff's wife. Justice Minister Zypries demanded an investigation yesterday of the operation. Now must be paid to these companies every month, according to "Spiegel" about 23 million euros rent.
VerkaufBleibt-Arcandor department store to rent for longer than 30 days may be guilty of selling the company seems to individual stores.
Credit is still ausDas more immediate concern: Until Friday 12 June, Arcandor urgently needs € 437 million plus a guarantee for a new loan of 650 million euros! Otherwise, the Group is insolvent.
Application has requested abgelehntBeides Arcandor in Berlin - just as the Hypo Real Estate and Opel as well. Arcandor says but so far: rejected request.
Why does not the state help? There are conditions for rescue aid. And it is disputed whether the condition. It is, inter alia:
The company can not survive on its own. This is what Chancellor Merkel is not here. She called the owner of Karstadt, Quelle, Thomas Cook (Travel) and their creditors to use their own values more before state money flowing. In addition, should be negotiated with Metro. But on the other hand argues, the economist Professor Rudolf Hickel, "anti-trust law of greatest concern." If 60 of the 90 branches would be merged with Karstadt department store, would create too much market power.
There must be a good concept: Economy to Guttenberg doubts the bailout plan from Arcandor. In contrast to Hickel EXPRESS: "Karstadt will continue to focus on a wide range under one roof, but in future more on brands and better service. This is the future. "
Even more important was the "economic benefit" that would rescue the Karstadt said Professor Elmar Altvater to EXPRESS: "It's not only the 32 000 employees would be affected. The customers and dealers. For without buying houses deserted the inner cities would be. "
Financial crisis as a trigger: The EU, which would have to approve the rescue money provides management mistakes of the past as the cause of the difficulties in Arcandor.Dagegen Hickel: "There were certainly mistakes under Middelhoff. But the reason for the acute shortage of credit restraint resulting from the financial crisis. "