Monday, May 24, 2010

Sharp criticism of von der Leyen

Dusseldorf - Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) has taken up the campaign.
On TV, it gave the free lunch at all-day schools. There is a lot in Düsseldorf.
Party friend Dirk Elbers is far from happy about the plan: The cities are intended to pay for it.
The Pisa study was startled Germany. One consequence of the disastrous performance of our students: the day care was intensified. Today they exist in 86 primary and eight secondary and special schools to 16 schools of upper secondary school until the afternoon.
Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen has (even seven children), but calls for the further expansion of this offer. On Sunday at Anne Will her next attack came in time for election campaign: it wants free lunch for all full-time students.
Mayor Dirk Elbers foaming with rage. "Who ordered the music should they pay for!" Düsseldorf can not bear this financial burden. So far, pay the parents of the lunch money (2.50 € per meal), with the euro, the country takes over one euro, the city 50 cents. Free Lunch would burden the city's coffers by EXPRESS information with around six million euros.
 For the SPD, not too much. Ratsfraktionschef Günter worm points to projects like the fair-pass by subway or the King-arch tunnel. "This money would be better invested in our children's future." Even Clara Deilmann says of the green so the free lunch. "Many parents have already signed out for cost reasons, their children from lunch."
The importance of regular healthy meals, do Margret Rössler, head of the Dieter Forte Comprehensive School. For six years, cooks landlady Stephanie Flying in the school. "I would like the free lunch. It would be better if the classes would eat together. I have seen in Finland, how beneficial is it, "said Roessler.
The children's tastes in any case: "Hmmmhhh, very tasty," said Jessica, Ekaterina and Celina from 5e with chips, salad and raw vegetables. "We eat here every day, it tastes more" to find Rajko, Sasa, and Senija Slavica.