Thursday, June 17, 2010

Swiss do not want to pray more for glacier shrinkage

Bern - Climate change is also against the Catholic Church does not hold. Now, Pope Benedict XVI has. deals with the variation of a 331 years old vow.
Because of the dramatic climatic changes to the faithful no longer the Swiss communities in the Upper Valais longer pray for the glacier retreat.
The Catholics in Fiesch Fieschertal and praying since the end of the 17th Century against the growth of the Aletsch Glacier. The saw in the past repeatedly for flooding. Since 1862 there is a procession every year.
Given global warming and the increasing disappearance of glaciers is now the reality of the vows to be adjusted. This means that prayers against global warming and shrinking glaciers. Vicar Pascal Venetz said the Swiss news agency sda, times had changed, "it has melted much ice."
The minister now wants the bishop to a request to Pope Benedict XVI. , Forward, to change the 331 years old vows. An audience with the Pope is already scheduled. The decision of the Holy Father is due in October.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Where do you get now, the best savings rates

Frankfurt / Main - economic crisis and no end: The European Central Bank (ECB) reduced its key interest rates again.
The "main refinancing rate" to lend banks at the ECB demsich money was withdrawn by 25 basis points to 1.25 percent.
Although this is less than the experts expected 50 basis points, the main refinancing rate is expected soon but to be driven down to 1.00 percent.
This is good for companies and consumers who plan to take out a loan. But also bad for those who want their savings to design a neat get interest.
Term deposits, fixed deposit, savings bonds - where you now get the best interest more>

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pavlov: "Preparation was like a war!"

Cologne - They were after the disaster season on the ground. Everything had to change. And now, the Cologne Sharks go with a completely different attitude in the new season.
In EXPRESS Sharks coach Igor Pavlov speaks before the first league game on Friday in Iserlohn of all the problems during his tough preparation.
Topic load: 15 test matches in four weeks by bus to Salzburg, Graz and Ceske Budejovice - for Pavlov extremely important: "The preparation was like war, but no one is hurt brutal. I have seen in the extreme, how to react to players. They have all learned that we are only strong together. It was a tough nut, but we have cracked it. "
Subject of criticism of players: Pavlov: "There is nothing to lament. If you sit on the couch, you can not develop. If you are sitting in the bus, so, because then it goes to strong opponents such as Salzburg or Budweis. Each player must give unconditional everything for the club. "
shave about players: Marcel Müller Melischko and landed in the stands, even in the farm team Flaake Bremerhaven. Pavlov: "It is not because of me. There is a fair competition. Everyone can come back, he only needs to be better than others. "
Theme Captain: Mirko Lüdemann to lead the Sharks. Pavlov: "He is forced to talk to me. He does it in a natural way. And because he has trained so well, he feels, twelve years younger: fresh, explosive and hard. "
More of the sharks: Sharks fear for Renz> Sharks finally> liquid

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The escapees from the Rhine-King

Mönchengladbach - Spectacular hunting scenes in Mönchengladbach: police - some even on horseback pursued - the elusive "Hansi". And that is not a felon, but a llama!
The höckerlose South American camel is a circus animal. "Hansi" belongs to the traveling circus Monti, who often makes headlines. Because the animals ausbüxen again and again.
Review: The first outbreak on 24 August 2007 Grefrath (Viersen),. Middle of the night, two other camels in a front yard on the street "Pastoratshof. It's the cops "Pascha" (then 3) and its partner "Mamelu (9).
Seven months later, on 30 March 2008, the same scene in Krefeld-garden. "Pasha" and "Mamelu trot" on the streets. "We continue to adapt better," circus director Cornelia promises Bausch.
Use is nothing! On 18 July 2008 makes the "Pasha" back on track. On 26 November drew the "Monti" after Langenfeld - were not there to rest: it was New Year's Eve in trouble with the police for disturbance of the children of the clan. And finally burned on 22 February 2009 a circus wagon.
And now the spectacular escape of Lama "Hansi". Holding the police very busy until they can overwhelm him with physical effort.
HERE's the video of "Hansi"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sharp criticism of von der Leyen

Dusseldorf - Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) has taken up the campaign.
On TV, it gave the free lunch at all-day schools. There is a lot in Düsseldorf.
Party friend Dirk Elbers is far from happy about the plan: The cities are intended to pay for it.
The Pisa study was startled Germany. One consequence of the disastrous performance of our students: the day care was intensified. Today they exist in 86 primary and eight secondary and special schools to 16 schools of upper secondary school until the afternoon.
Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen has (even seven children), but calls for the further expansion of this offer. On Sunday at Anne Will her next attack came in time for election campaign: it wants free lunch for all full-time students.
Mayor Dirk Elbers foaming with rage. "Who ordered the music should they pay for!" Düsseldorf can not bear this financial burden. So far, pay the parents of the lunch money (2.50 € per meal), with the euro, the country takes over one euro, the city 50 cents. Free Lunch would burden the city's coffers by EXPRESS information with around six million euros.
 For the SPD, not too much. Ratsfraktionschef Günter worm points to projects like the fair-pass by subway or the King-arch tunnel. "This money would be better invested in our children's future." Even Clara Deilmann says of the green so the free lunch. "Many parents have already signed out for cost reasons, their children from lunch."
The importance of regular healthy meals, do Margret Rössler, head of the Dieter Forte Comprehensive School. For six years, cooks landlady Stephanie Flying in the school. "I would like the free lunch. It would be better if the classes would eat together. I have seen in Finland, how beneficial is it, "said Roessler.
The children's tastes in any case: "Hmmmhhh, very tasty," said Jessica, Ekaterina and Celina from 5e with chips, salad and raw vegetables. "We eat here every day, it tastes more" to find Rajko, Sasa, and Senija Slavica.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why do not we save?

Berlin - It is narrow for Arcandor. The rent for the purchase of houses can not be paid.
On Sunday, thousands will discourage employees from the Karstadt department stores vigils. They ask: Why not save us?
The situation is dramatic: Since the beginning of the month Arcandor pay no more rent for the 89 Karstadt department stores, according to reports.
MietschuldenDie million plots were still at High Street ex-chief Middelhoff to the real estate company and sold to a fund to which is probably also involved Middelhoff's wife. Justice Minister Zypries demanded an investigation yesterday of the operation. Now must be paid to these companies every month, according to "Spiegel" about 23 million euros rent.
VerkaufBleibt-Arcandor department store to rent for longer than 30 days may be guilty of selling the company seems to individual stores.
Credit is still ausDas more immediate concern: Until Friday 12 June, Arcandor urgently needs € 437 million plus a guarantee for a new loan of 650 million euros! Otherwise, the Group is insolvent.
Application has requested abgelehntBeides Arcandor in Berlin - just as the Hypo Real Estate and Opel as well. Arcandor says but so far: rejected request.
Why does not the state help? There are conditions for rescue aid. And it is disputed whether the condition. It is, inter alia:
The company can not survive on its own. This is what Chancellor Merkel is not here. She called the owner of Karstadt, Quelle, Thomas Cook (Travel) and their creditors to use their own values more before state money flowing. In addition, should be negotiated with Metro. But on the other hand argues, the economist Professor Rudolf Hickel, "anti-trust law of greatest concern." If 60 of the 90 branches would be merged with Karstadt department store, would create too much market power.
There must be a good concept: Economy to Guttenberg doubts the bailout plan from Arcandor. In contrast to Hickel EXPRESS: "Karstadt will continue to focus on a wide range under one roof, but in future more on brands and better service. This is the future. "
Even more important was the "economic benefit" that would rescue the Karstadt said Professor Elmar Altvater to EXPRESS: "It's not only the 32 000 employees would be affected. The customers and dealers. For without buying houses deserted the inner cities would be. "
Financial crisis as a trigger: The EU, which would have to approve the rescue money provides management mistakes of the past as the cause of the difficulties in Arcandor.Dagegen Hickel: "There were certainly mistakes under Middelhoff. But the reason for the acute shortage of credit restraint resulting from the financial crisis. "

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Inside latest times several individuals have turn into conscious from the innumerable positive aspects that the training of yoga exercise provides. This phenomenon has struck people allabove the globe. The teen as well as the old, males, girls fitness freaks as well as professionals are turning towards yoga like by no means prior to. When such important is the number of the yoga enthusiasts it is important that this critical information on all of the elements of this form be provided for the men and women. This write-up will try to give attention to one these types of part of yoga, the yoga exercise mats.


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The prerequisite from the yoga exercise mats differ with the practice of yoga exercise. You will discover plenty of choices available for all kinds of yoga exercise users to be able to decide on one as per their own requirements. The exercise mats are available to accommodate all designs, sizes from the entire body plus the different yoga exercise asanas. The expecting mums consider up yoga exercise to make certain appear wellness for them as well as the the child. Nevertheless, for these kinds of girls the selection from the thick yoga mat is extremely essential. Greatest care ought to be taken prior to picking one. Attempting it out initial is encouraged. The leading requirement of mats for such women will generally be a thicker cushioning. Nevertheless, it can be suitable how the help with the concerned physician and a experienced yoga exercise specialist should be seeked.

For that frequent yoga exercise experts the exercise mats that happen to be firm and about an in . thicker might be ideal. Further, 1 need to acquire under consideration the use plus the personal preferences though buying the yoga mat.

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Yoga exercise is a great deal several than the other extending exercise which you should be making inside health club. It is really a more enhancing experience that rejuvenates the mind, body and the soul. A yoga exercise mat is usually a requirement if you ever vision to reap the highest gains by exercising the yoga exercise asanas.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The athletes play with their lives

Cologne - He is considered one of the world's top drug fighter: Professor Dr. Wilhelm Schaenzer by the Institute of Biochemistry in Cologne Sport University.
In EXPRESS, he talks about the Vienna blood doping scandal.
 In Vienna, many athletes will have practiced blood doping. Does that surprise you? Schaenzer: Yes. There have been indications for weeks against the blood bank human plasma. There will be even more contact companies in Germany. For almost two years and the Fuentes scandal, we know that blood doping is increasingly operated.
The rest of the interview can be found in the info box. Just click it.
Also of interest
DSV is considering legal action against ARD

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On Saturday we want to see 11 Lumpis!

Dusseldorf - While his colleagues were slaughtered at the fiasco in Lubeck, was the man with the bandage the only one who defended himself: Andreas "Lumpi" Lambertz (was fighting 23), tackles, and drove the ball forward and scored significantly, the only Fortune that match your query.
A good player but ranged against the club is not bankrupt - and already not at all. Fortuna, the laughingstock of the league leaders to iron out precisely Lohmühle Ahlen, where it is already 1:4 in the preseason was a bad-swatter.
Only when Norbert Meier's Eleven scores, remains the hope of rising in life, her real needs, even a victory. But this are used, passion and the absolute will need to triple - that everything that could miss the team in Luebeck. Or in short: On Saturday we want to see 11 Lumpis!
"This is a lovely boy, who has led the performance," says Meier's midfield engine, which is posted in weeks and still a model occurs. "He's just not a speaker is, yes, even a U-23 players. Perhaps it gets a bit loud with 30th He has recently taken a giant leap. Lumpi still holds on it with a Charley horse. The others have cut themselves a slice of it. "
Is at least time. Lumpi itself is one of the more flachhält the ball. Against the hard way after Ahlen, he says: "I hope that we will get back to our performance as against Oberhausen. We want to get three points. When we reach a normal form, we can exist there. Here, everyone knows what is at stake, as there is no need to say much. "
But would perhaps not be so bad if his colleagues once again be pointed out that it is in Ahlen, at the last leg-up ...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poison in the cabbage salad Plus

Hanover - Poison alarm when Plus! Attentive customer discovered the arugula mixture of the discount store the dangerous "common ragwort. In larger quantities of the herb can cause life-threatening liver damage.
Plus, the Hanover branch took the salad right out of the range.
The customer had bought all five salads safe in stock and sent for examination to the University of Bonn. "The results of the samples is frightening," says Helmut Wiedenfeld to "mirror".
In the samples, the 2500-times the amount of cross-weed had been discovered, which is tolerable to humans, according to law.
The case is now investigating the supply routes taken under the microscope. Not be excluded that there is more vulgar ragwort in circulation.
Read also: ragwort causes liver injury picked> false Ramson - dead! >

Friday, April 23, 2010

J. Theo shot himself in

Cologne - a literal shot in the knee made on Monday Theo J. (33) in the Cologne district court. And that in two respects.
With a revolver he had accidentally shot himself in the leg - and claims to have been victims of an attack. "Misrepresentation of a crime," the judge called it.
When walking with his girlfriend, Anna M. (51) in Ehrenfeld had solved the fatal shot. When Anna, 26 July 2008, at 23.48 clock alerted the ambulance, soluble te thus a large scale operation of the police they made. The fact that her boyfriend shot himself in the thigh, she had not told on the phone.
The police closed the area of Outer Kanalstraße corner polecat road down completely, the homicide squad secured the tracks, ran a search for the alleged "terrorists a". A totally unnecessary and expensive police operation.
At the hearing, Theo J. further claimed that a passing car or a bike rider would have targeted him. "I was threatened the day before," said J. aus.Die in court yesterday, doctors at St. Francis Hospital the defendant operated a lead ball from the right thigh. Obviously, an angler utensil that was used as a projectile.
"Where does the lead ball?", Asked a policeman. "At least not by my Anglo-Saxons", as Theo was fired from the Pis tole responded. In a search warrant, but police put the sicher.Gutachten such spheres also showed that the shot was fired from less than 50 centimeters and smoke residue to J. 's hands were.
Since it did not help that the accused vehemently denied everything in court. Theo and Anna were both convicted, fined a total of 3,200 euros. J. Theo announced to go into revision.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The top players to bang on the table

Bonn - Unnecessary conceded, missed a few points: The Bonner SC is in the middle of the battle for qualification for the NRW-Liga. During the week leading players have carved out on the table, would shake up the players.
"This is a very good sign when the experienced players in such a critical stage season also views the young players," said BSC coach Asif Saric. So it was unnecessary after the 1-1 against Alemannia Aachen 2 mainly Orhan Özkaya, and giving away who was angry about the points.
With a long-range effort well worth seeing more than 30 meters from the lively "Oetzi," the BSC has taken the lead, but for a threesome is not enough again. "Of course, many draws are very risky. But if ever again be won in between games, can be crucial at the end of every single point, "said Saric.
So is Sunday (15 clock be retracted) a victory at TURU Dusseldorf. "Our problem is the time that we shoot too few goals. Therefore, mean errors, which are expected betstraft by the enemy, and time again by point loss, "before Saric.
But the Tormaschine the BSC is to get back into driving, "Wojciech Pollok made after his injury break before a game. But he will come right back. Since I am firmly convinced of, "Saric is safe.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The football visor of the terror of terrorism

Luanda --
The terrible terrorist attack on the Togolese national team in Angola: 153 days before the World Cup opening match in South Africa stands the soccer world in shock.
The rebels of the "Liberation Front for the independence of Cabinda (FLEC) with open fire, killing three people on the team bus, seven Togolese were injured.
The football in sight of terror - may actually take place on this continent in the summer, a World Cup?
And: Can be opened in Angola today, really for the Africa Cup with the hosts of the game against Mali? "The tournament will take place," said the African Football Confederation CAF with summarily without emotion.
Learn More
Giant Confusion surrounds wounded Keeper
Togo says Africa-off Cup
Angola's Minister of Sport Goncalves Muandumba full-bodied says: "We guarantee to take all measures to ensure protection and integrity of all teams, fans, coaches and tourists." But who will believe in it?
Togo's star striker Emmanuel Adebayor can not. "No one is willing to risk his life here," said African Footballer of the Year 2008, left on Saturday the country and boycotted the tournament: "You have seen how a player with a ball crying in the body, then became unconscious and everything. I believe that many players want to leave. I'm glad that I'm alive. "
The Organizing Committee of the Africa Cup (cocane), however, raised serious allegations in the direction of the victim: "The rules were clear: No team should arrive by bus. I do not know what has led Togo, do it anyway, "complains of Virgilio Santos.
The FLEC rebels announced in her letter claiming another atrocity deeds: "This operation was only the beginning of a series of targeted actions in the region of Cabinda. The African Football Association has been warning for some time that this country is in a war. They had the documents, but they have ignored the warnings. Now they have to pay for it. "The football is in shock.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Freiburg is on the ascent race

Freiburg - Thanks to a double header from Martin Petrov darfder SC Freiburg continue to hope for the Bundesliga promotion, Träumeder SpVgg Greuther Fürth are exploded against it.
 The Breisgauergewannen the duel of the 2nd runner-up Bundesliga on Montagabendgegen the Franks 3-2 (1-1). Only 12,400 spectators brachteden guests their first Sunday game this season, no luck: HeikoButscher (17. minute) and the future Hamburger Pitroipa (72./90.) Met for the sports club, the future Stuttgart Martin Lanig (3.) and Alexander Kotuljac (62.) for Furth. After the eleventh imBadenova success of the sports club stadium is now three points behind back denAufstiegsplätzen.
   "We deserved to win because the will power. Ichglaube, in the course of the game we have won more crucial Zweikämpfeim midfield. In the end we were cool," said SC coach Robin Dutt. Goalscorer Butscher said: "We still shoot, I had not thought of. It's an indescribable feeling."
Guest coach Bruno Labbadia was deeply disappointed about it. "We warenüber 90 minutes the better team. The gates are made of Nichtsgefallen, they have not been herausgespielt. This is very, sehrschade", was the Fürth coach.
   Six times in the past seven years were the Fürther amSaisonende Tabellenfünfter - only in the season 200/2004 ninth. VierSpieltage before closing Labbadias team has now been five points behind the third FSV Mainz 05 and threatened her again einähnliches fate.
   Both teams moved on from the start to a temporeichesOffensivspiel showed while in the heat of battle many bad passes. By Fürth lightning start from distance with Lanig zum1: 0 could impress the Freiburger only briefly. Butscherüberwand second attempt goalkeeper Sascha Kirschstein - his viertesKopfballtor this season. Pitroipa (27./29. Dutt) and, above all Andreas Glockner with a shot to the woodwork (44.) missed dieFührung for the team coach.
   After the break, fought his way to Fuerth undwurden initially more rewarded by the game shares the opening goal by Kotuljac after einempräzisen pass by Ivo Ilicevic. Blatant defensive errors derFürther Pitroipa be used only for re-balancing and dannzum late 3-2. Freiburg and Karim were lucky Matmour seinGegenspieler Jan Mauersberger that after a bösenZusammenprall uninjured.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daughter charged her own father severely

Bonn - Finally: After a long tug of war, and has a controversial television appearance Nourig testified in honor killing process against its announcement after all.
The 35-year-old chief witness on Monday severely burdened in a video testimony of her father Ali H. (65). He allegedly strangled his 17-year-old daughter Waffa 1993 with a rope. The body has still not been found.
Black wig, big sunglasses: Nourig sat at a table, answered the questions easily via video camera deferred by Udo Buhren. The chairman of the jury could see the witness on a large screen.
Then Nourigs statement: The 35-year-old breathed deeply several times, as Buhren she taught at the beginning. Their tension was great: She would accuse her father of murdering his sister.
But the performance achieved sovereignty. Liquid and secure the witness told 1993.Nourig of that night in the summer: "My father called me at 5:30 clock in the morning out of bed. Waffa lay dead on the couch. Father said that happened to me the same thing if I do not stick to the rules. "
Two cousins of the dead woman's father had packed in a box, placed with its Opel Kadett at a pre-dug pit and buried.
Ten years Nourig dragged her secret with him. The witness: "I've lived under a bell, had only worked well. But I'm traumatized. It was unbearable for me that my sister was murdered. "
The hearing did not take place in camera, because Nourig rather unceremoniously into the witness box in a contribution of the ZDF magazine "Frontal 21 came" before the camera - was there even without the sunglasses.
Defender Pauka Benedict: "She makes a show because she wants to sell her book." Cousin H. Ramadan, the court has set free. His counsel Carsten Rubarth: "Even if she would accuse him of other murders, that would not confuse the defense."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sharks: baptism of fire in the Rhineland-Derby

Cologne - ice free for the mother of all derbies Ice: Sunday (14.30 clock) in Dusseldorf and Tuesday (19.30 clock) take in Cologne, the Rhine archrival sharks and DEG Metro Stars in just 50 hours equal to each other twice.
Real Derby fever but frankly I feel not, "admits Sharks coach Doug Mason:" And the team I have even noticed anything like this. "The reason is clear: The Derby's coming on the second and third of 52 group stage matches far too early!
Also for the fans: The BHF hopes Sunday to 10,000 fans in Cologne Tuesday, it will probably not exceed 13,000.
"Were sold out in November or December, the games," Mason also knows: "The start of the season in early September is too early anyway. This is the last month, where people still often can do little when the weather outside. "
Let's get drum, the derbies, and Mason, they want to win, of course: "We are ready, the team is in good shape." Particularly in the spotlight today: Frank Doyle. Cologne's "temporary workers", which was committed after tumor surgery of choice goalkeeper Robert Muller for three months by AHL club Lowell Devils, will make his debut in the Sharks gate.
 "He makes a good impression in training, in his style reminds me of Travis Scott," says Mason, "But of course, games are something else, Frank now takes practice, he, unlike Stefan Horneber no preparation. Horni will play Tuesday at home again. "
Baptism of fire in the Derby - Sunday, one day before his 28th Birthday, Doyle now wants to show what he can. That he was going back in three months must be for the Canadians no problem, assures Mason: "He is a nice and intelligent guy. We were very honest with him, and he fully understands the situation. He is grateful for the opportunity, he knows that he is here draw attention to themselves. "

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hochstätter "letter-writers are wimps"

Mönchengladbach - "It is brutally hard, the air is getting thinner," worries Stefan Effenberg, at Borussia. "The other points, Gladbach scores too little."
The tiger dryly: "And they do not really play good football, so we have hope: Because I see something that might work out yet. I do not ever see. "
Effe, "Who schönredet defeat or draw, does not come on. There is no quality, I have said earlier in the season. Now it is emerging slowly. "
Then the coach of Tiger attacks: "John Smith would have problems if he were 12, 13 years have been our coach. That would not work. I think that we as players can not handle. It's not done. So you'll never get them to your page. Thus, in the end you will never succeed. "
Christian Hochstatter already: "I have very fond memories of him and am glad that he is back in Mönchengladbach, and has accepted the difficult task. I know that Hans Meyer will deal with them. "
The exemption of Hanover Recreation Director Borussia players missed a broadside: "It makes me sick when I hear that this soft egg childish to write letters rather than contact the coach at a table and solve their problems. The players should think about it, why they are in the situation and who caused it. Even before Hans Meyer has come, they were at the end of the table. "
Hochstatter believes in Saturday a 96-win: "Hanover will win, the better the individual class. But Hoffenheim v Borussia has impressed me, it will be hard work for the troops by Dieter Hecking. "

Friday, March 12, 2010

Students love that sexy Magda ...

how to draw a yoga shoes

Dusseldorf - The acute shortage professor at the Art Academy (EXPRESS reported): instead of nine times professors, there's soon only four. But now the university has a "professor", there really makes a stir. Although it has no title of professor. But a name: "The horny Magda.
The Lüpertz is a genius. The stages are really Adolf moderately ... "or" At the academy, there is too much sex. It paralyzes the artists ... "
With provocative slogans such as these, the student is currently swirling mix up the Academy. Their favorite target: the "superman" and the (self-proclaimed) "genius" Markus Lüpertz, his character Academy's CEO. He dedicated it's ironic campaign "50 days of Hitler-speed" in his conference room of the Academy are called "Room 102 of the leader." Lupertz can give them, "student jokes" also tolerated, that it has appointed himself to the professor.
Since May, the 24-year-old even has its own class (20 students). And for having the "horny Magda" strict rules drawn up: neat clothes and no sex! Magda: "As an artist you have to be constantly horny. This is only without the sex! "
However, it's a bit may be something. Always before starting class, the students form a circle, raising his arms imperiously up, then take pärchen as to the buttocks and chest. To all "Kako drink. A mixture of coffee, cola, a slice of lemon and sugar. Magda: "Because of the foam. He looks like a brain. Brains have only intellectuals. And finally, we are an intellectual, geile class. "
Completely mistaken? Does the student union of the famous university quite different. Christoph Meier Wester, 2nd Chairman: "All agree. We stand fully behind Magda! "" Congress movement "called Magda this art project with her class.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

99ers win after Hunt's horror accident

Cologne - The 2442 spectators in EnergyDome shocked at Girlitzweg were:
Jeremy Hunt lay motionless after a collision with an opponent on the ground. Paramedics put him to a neck brace and carried him out of the hall and produced one of the unconscious Cologne Top Korbjäger immediately into the clinic.
Since the Bundesliga match against EnBW Ludwigsburg became almost a secondary matter, even if the 67:59-victory of the Cologne 99ers are of immense importance in a relegation battle Cologne's basketball ist.Gestern evening came from the hospital the all clear.
"An MRI revealed that there is a bruise on the neck area. We are glad that it is so expected and nothing worse has happened, "said 99ers spokesman Jan-Odendahl. Hunt won the hospital again on their own and the 24-year-old verlassen.Ob on Thursday but can be used in the "Final descent" of the Cologne 99ers at Tabellenvorletzten Giessen 46ers, is still questionable.
Cologne coach Zoran Kukic was on Sunday once satisfied with the performance of its professionals who have stopped the free fall after three defeats, finally triumphed, and in spite of the shocks from the Hunt accident. "Ludwigsburg was a tough opponent," said the coach, "the more it makes me proud that we have aggressively maintained, however, and at the end deserved to win. Now, all the concentration is at stake in casting. "

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Céline: I am afraid for my life every day

I owe my mom lives. This rate, which applies to every person on earth, has for Céline Denefleh (17) from Mannheim dual meaning.
Because her mother Susan gave her life - and saved it on 20 March 2006. But fearing since that fateful day, the candidate of 'Germany sucht den Superstar "for their lives.
She had a defibrillator used to swallow three tablets daily needs. "I then simply collapsed during walkies, walking with my dog," says Céline to EXPRESS.
"Luckily my mom was there, my legs held up, so that more blood flows in my head. Who knows what would have happened if she had not been there. "The subsequent diagnosis: life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances. Immediately, the student received a defibrillator operates under the skin, which regulates the heartbeat via electric shocks.
"At first I was so mental health problems, suffered from anxiety and delusions. But today I come clear to him. "Sport is even possible with a foreign body.
And singing! Saturday night she charmed the jury to Dieter Bohlen (55) with her voice. The even was so excited about Céline's story that he immediately asked to see the scar and the girl firmly in the arm. And who knows: Maybe Céline says yes in a few years ago: "I owe my mom lives. And Dieter Bohlen my success. "
The best scenes from American Idol - right through the photo gallery click!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rudolfplatz is now American Idol Square

Cologne - yet you have with them twice hingucken, but that can change very quickly.
At present the candidate to stay at the new "Germany seeks the superstar" relay in the Barceló hotel directly at Rudolf place.
But despite the location in the heart of the city Daniel Glover, Vanessa Civello, Dominik Büchele, Tobias Rossler and the other participants can still almost completely unhindered and unharmed after their samples to the hotel.
There she would take along one day do the odd nightcap at the bar - not previously disturbed by screaming Fanmassen - grad a handful out there waiting.
But perhaps it is because of the optics: They are still not properly fall into the clutches of the costume and the mask department. This looks pretty natural, and everything is still unspent from. For the styling professionals have done it At the time, yes even the rockers Max Buskohl Thomas Godoj (which is on Saturday night at the Palladium) and Tobias Regner plays at least a good portion of gel in your hair pseudo-pop-star-glamorous miss.
The butterflies in the stomach, of course, all before their first live show - which also can be equal to its last, for tonight is about the entry into the finals in order to participate in the theme shows.
But for Michelle Bowers, it is doubly hard: The 16-year-old - Dieter Bohlen for the "best singer in Bavaria" - has suffered since infancy from severe rheumatism. But she does not want pity Bonus: "I think it's stupid because I'm here to sing and not because of my medical history."
All top-15 candidates - click HERE> Sex confessions of DSDS-Stars - click HERE>

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blomer rides new attack against Reinarz

Cologne - The CDU-Chef Walter Reinarz caused significant that his predecessor, Richard Blömer because of a donation scandal was not to run again for parliament.
Now had Reinarz because of the pension discussion to resign. And "party friend" with the powerful Blömer township Lindenthal in the neck would ensure that even the Reinarz Gutdotierte Manager post at the KVB is going on.
End of the year KVB chief Werner Böllinger (60) ruled out on grounds of age. Similarly, the manager of Reinarz contract runs out. SPD and Greens did Reinarz withdrawal from politics on condition that he ausVorstandsvertrag in KVB extended. All in butter.
But Richard Blömer has other ideas. The KVB Board informed the Chief Wilfried Kuckelkorn Lindenthaler CDU leader Blömer on Tuesday: "The upcoming replacement for the company KVB offers the great opportunity of a fresh start." And that should be such that a recruiter for suitable candidates for the two managerial positions KVB tries.
How should "urgently needed experts" are obtained for the KVB. Blomer, and suggests that "the decision, regardless of party interests or meet local findings.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After flat-out test: "Rani" can ran

Dusseldorf - "I have made with him a flat-out final test with sprints, goal shooting exercises and all that goes with it," said Fortune's physiotherapist Bernd Restle Donn on the afternoon training in injury to top striker Moritz Volz.
"Everything is healed. He has digested it well. "Can you say: When was the unity of the problems (torn muscle in his thigh shell) purely to see anything more. Jovanovic was able to fully pass through the program.
"I feel good and am very happy that it has not worked. I could definitely play, "beamed the attacker Schlake after training. "Of course I would necessarily accrue." According to various difficulties in making "niggles", but the strength. Jovanovic: "It's not enough for 90 minutes, but a good hour it would have to go."
Coach Norbert Meier must now decide whether the 28-year-olds against Aue actually promoted to the starting lineup.
The coach: "Well, that Jovanovic is back. But now we must erstmal to wait, as he physically wegsteckt training. Ranisav four weeks now has been able to train properly. I decide on an operation in the short term. "
Fellow striker Axel Lawarée rise again Tuesday. Restle, "Axel has passed the final test. It has taken this serious violation Syndesmoseband not three months. We can be very proud. "

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Students love that sexy Magda ...

Dusseldorf - The acute shortage professor at the Art Academy (EXPRESS reported): instead of nine times professors, there's soon only four. But now the university has a "professor", there really makes a stir. Although it has no title of professor. But a name: "The horny Magda.
The Lüpertz is a genius. The stages are really Adolf moderately ... "or" At the academy, there is too much sex. It paralyzes the artists ... "
With provocative slogans such as these, the student is currently swirling mix up the Academy. Their favorite target: the "superman" and the (self-proclaimed) "genius" Markus Lüpertz, his character Academy's CEO. He dedicated it's ironic campaign "50 days of Hitler-speed" in his conference room of the Academy are called "Room 102 of the leader." Lupertz can give them, "student jokes" also tolerated, that it has appointed himself to the professor.
Since May, the 24-year-old even has its own class (20 students). And for having the "horny Magda" strict rules drawn up: neat clothes and no sex! Magda: "As an artist you have to be constantly horny. This is only without the sex! "
However, it's a bit may be something. Always before starting class, the students form a circle, raising his arms imperiously up, then take pärchen as to the buttocks and chest. To all "Kako drink. A mixture of coffee, cola, a slice of lemon and sugar. Magda: "Because of the foam. He looks like a brain. Brains have only intellectuals. And finally, we are an intellectual, geile class. "
Completely mistaken? Does the student union of the famous university quite different. Christoph Meier Wester, 2nd Chairman: "All agree. We stand fully behind Magda! "" Congress movement "called Magda this art project with her class.